How Your Personal Style Affects Your Success And Personal Branding

Ok let's get honest.  Whether we like it or not we live in a pretty superficial world.  No one is going to take you seriously if you turn up to an opportunity looking dishevelled or like a toddler picked out your outfit. 

Realistically, I should end this page here and just bring your attention to the previous words "No one is going to take you seriously".  Enough said?

Whether this is right or wrong is as pointless as judging whether gravity is right or wrong. It just is what it is, reject the fact and only you suffer.

Spend enough time on my site and you will start to see just how important your presentation is. Style, colour and aesthetics sends a message about you to the observer.  

So let's get even more honest shall we.  How am I, a Personal Stylist, going to help YOU get what you want in life? Today, we seem to have more than enough people who are ready to profess their own self-importance from the rooftops.  I'm not going to do that.   

You don't need my services.  You also don't need to wear deodorant or shoes.  However, it's just a little bit harder to get ahead in society without shoes.  What I do is give you a competitive advantage.  I am that last 20% that is going to give you 80% of your advantage.    How will I help you?

With the following......

  1. Help you get credibility

  2. Help you become more influential

  3. Save you time and make your presentation easy for you.

The rest is up to, my dear!  Now, can I quantify what I do for you in some way? Not really, but when you sit down across the table from someone who can give you that huge opportunity, that you absolutely need to get, this is what will happen.

Firstly, your head will be clear.  You will not feel self-conscious about your hair, You will not be concerned about it being too edgy, whether is suits you or is unprofessional.  You will not be wearing clothes that make you look sloppy or over weight.  You will not be wearing a style that doesn't suit you, so people will not feel that you're inconsistent.

You will know that you look ON POINT.  You will be confident that your style is right for you, and what you are trying to communicate to other people.  You will look like you should be exactly where you are because you dress like a professional.  You will feel comfortable and relaxed knowing you have a vast array of skills in this area.  Your hair will look professional, and your makeup and general appearance will be elegant.

You will be calm because you knew exactly what to do that morning and didn't gaze at your wardrobe stressing about what to wear. Your head will be free from distraction so you can do what you do best, and focus on your opportunity. 

Secondly, the person looking at you will find you to be polished and well put together.  Every detail will look like it's been addressed, from top to toe.  You will appear as a highly confident and capable woman that knows how to dot her i's and cross her t's. 

The result of this being, that when you say you can deliver a result, they will believe you because what they hear matches what they are seeing.  If you've learnt anything from my site, you will know that what you see over-rides what you hear.  That's how our brains work.

They can't help but see you as more credible and likable.  If you are credible and likable you are going to be more influential.  So can I quantify how a personal stylist is going to help you?  No, but what I can say is that it's a priceless investment into yourself that will continuously reward you. 

When you are in competition for that ultimate opportunity, you can rest assured that you have done everything in your power to put the odds in your favour.  You will have an advantage others don't.  You will stand out in people minds more favourably and you will be remembered.  When you lay your head on your pillow, you will know that you gave it your best shot. 

A woman confidently giving it get best is a force to be reckoned with.    

What I do is not for everyone.  This is as much an inner game journey, as it is an outer game one.  You will laugh, get incredible insights as to how you have been living, cry and feel confronted.  

I'm not doing this to fluff you up, I am here to help you get the results you seek via the unique skill set I have acquired throughout my life.  

Yours with style
Kelli Boucher
Personal Stylist, Hairdresser, Makeup Artist




Kelli has been mastering my image for the last 15 years, everytime I enter her boutique I am excited to hear her new ideas and concepts on making me feel all that I can be...
I have been lucky enough to have her style my hair for my perfect wedding day, whilst also looking after my corporate image for work...
I feel inspired, rejuvenated and beautiful as every woman should when I leave Kelli’s salon, the overall dedicated personal one on one service surpasses any other hair salon I’ve walked into around the world....
— Vanessa Mead ( Qantas Flight Attendant), Brisbane
Thank you Kelli for your wonderful services with educating me on exactly what style and colours suit me. I have found the whole process so interesting and fun. You have taught me how to save money and my valuable time when shopping for my clothes by knowing exactly what to look for. I am now enjoying all the positive comments that I’m receiving from friends and colleagues with my new look.

Thanks again
— Elisabeth Turner- Wedding & Event Planner - Maleny

Dress For Success


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