Personal style program

shine from within - without changing who you are

discover & Embrace the Style That Reflects Your True Essence

Ultimately, my mission is to empower women to embrace their true selves, radiate confidence, and live fully expressed lives.

My approach goes beyond traditional styling; it is a holistic process that integrates fashion, color analysis, hairdressing, and mindset coaching. I don't just style hair or advise on clothing choices—I help women reconnect with their inner essence, ensuring that their outer appearance authentically reflects who they truly are.

This alignment empowers my clients to show up confidently in the world, make a lasting impact, and fulfill their highest purpose.

Whether you're looking to revamp your image, heal old wounds, or simply align your outer appearance with your inner identity, I am here to guide you on this life-changing journey. Together, we will uncover your unique essence and help you shine brightly in all areas of your life.


As a personal stylist, image consultant, and award-winning hair stylist with over 25 years of experience, I am dedicated to empowering women to embrace their authentic selves and unlock their full potential. My passion lies in guiding clients through a transformational journey of self-discovery, helping them uncover their unique gifts, heal past traumas, and cultivate unshakable self-love and confidence.

My approach goes beyond traditional styling; it is a holistic process that integrates fashion, color analysis, hairdressing, and mindset coaching. I don't just style hair or advise on clothing choices—I help women reconnect with their inner essence, ensuring that their outer appearance authentically reflects who they truly are. This alignment empowers my clients to show up confidently in the world, make a lasting impact, and fulfill their highest purpose.

I’m kelli boucher

Nice to meet you,

discover & Embrace your unique personal Style

what’s involved in my personal styling program

01 - self discovery & aligned style

Uncover your true essence and embrace your unique style.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery where you’ll uncover the essence of who you truly are. Our program is designed to help you explore and embrace your unique qualities, strengths, and personal style preferences.

Through reflective exercises and personalized consultations, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your authentic self, which will serve as the foundation for your style transformation. This phase is all about connecting with your inner self, acknowledging your individuality, and preparing to let your true beauty shine through.

02 - practical skills & STYLING TOOLS

Master the tools to create a style that reflects your essence.

Master the essential styling tools that will empower you to create looks that reflect your newfound self-awareness.

You'll learn how to choose the right colors, cuts, and fabrics that complement your body shape, skin tone, and personal style. We’ll provide you with practical tips and techniques for mixing and matching outfits, accessorizing, and making the most of your existing wardrobe.

Throughout this journey, you'll have the confidence and knowledge to put together outfits that not only look great but also feel uniquely you.

03 - personalised SHOPPING EXPERIENCE

Transform your wardrobe experience with expert guidance.

Transform your shopping experience from overwhelming to enjoyable and productive.

I’ll guide you through the art of strategic shopping, teaching you how to identify and invest in key pieces that align with your style and lifestyle. You'll learn to shop with intention, focusing on quality over quantity and making choices that enhance your personal style.

My program includes a personalised shopping session where you'll apply your new skills in real-time, ensuring that every purchase you make is a step towards a more cohesive and stylish wardrobe.

04 -let your inner radiance shine through

Let your inner radiance shine through your personal style.

Finally, discover how to let your inner radiance shine through your outward appearance.

This element focuses on the holistic integration of your personal transformation with your style. You'll learn techniques to boost your confidence and self-esteem, ensuring that you feel as good as you look. By aligning your inner and outer beauty, you’ll not only turn heads but also feel truly comfortable and authentic in your skin.

Embrace this comprehensive approach to styling, where the goal is not just to look good but to feel incredible from the inside out.

what my clients are saying

I joined the styling program to align how I felt about my image and how I was perceived authentically by the rest of the world. Fantastic. Kelli has brought together her wealth of expertise into a complete package. I met an incredible group of successful, intelligent, wonderful women all sharing a connected journey. Kelli you are a shining star in this world!


To be honest I started this course reasonably confident in myself and my dress and thought I wouldn’t get too much out of this.. but wow, I did but also the joy in watching the other ladies in the course grow as much as I did and hit their own personal wins along the way is so rewarding. 


Today I have had the most rewarding, uplifting experience I have ever had. The time Kelli puts into all the details, makes it easy to understand the colour and the styling component, of my personal styling and accessorizing, and for each person, makes you feel individually really special.


I don’t know really where to start but I wanted to thank Kelli Boucher and the Effortless Elegance program for such a wonderful learning experience. Initially I wanted to seek out someone to give me guidance on heading into dressing ‘well’ within my age bracket.


book a call to chat with kelli to see if this program is right for you.

Applications for october program close 27 september 2024