Private Waxing And Scalp Massage In The Whispering Grove
At Bouche Boutique's Brisbane based ascot hair salon your facial waxing is conducted discreetly, in our private treatment and rinse room, also known as the Whispering Grove. When you're having to primp and preen yourself, it's no-one business as to what actually needs to happen in order for you to look fabulous.
We use 100% La Biosthetique luxury product to wash your hair. We don't just use the bottles for display and then fill them with a cheaper product when no one is looking.
We also use bright white highlights in the room to give it some freshness so that you are 100% rejuvenated and ready to face the world. Now that you've had some you time, and a relaxing experience in the hair rinse room, you are ready to complete the boutique hair experience.