Deliberate, Intentional design and heart went into creating our concept, culture, service and layout of our rooms here in Ascot, Brisbane.

Kelli Boucher, a Brisbane raised, Sydney born hairdresser, makeup artist and personal stylist, since 1993, brings passion and commitment to the makeovers she, and her team, perform for their guests. Whether it be a recreated look, a new look, a freshen up, maintaining their current look, or a complete transformation overhall ( like the makeover T.V. shows)   our services are designed to bring about positive, permanent shifts in the quality of a persons life. 

These shifts are the direct cause for a new and unique kind of freedom and assurance—the freedom to be at ease and the assurance to communicate visually: the quality of the company you keep, the confidence with which you live your life, your personal worth and success.

With our heart and soul invested in the bigger picture, Bouche Boutique Styling Rooms is all about making a difference to every woman we meet. A possibility to lift the lid off personal limits, and highlighting a individuals greatness, then giving them the tools and skills to create a look that sends a clear messages to the viewer about who they are.  

We encourage women to invest in building their personal brand. To nourish their souls more. To identify their magical uniqueness and dress in a way to reflect that. To feel fulfilled and empowered, without relying on another.  To create a ‘girl tribe’ of all ages and backgrounds, that are like-minded and share a common goal – to be the best version of themselves – a talk in a safe space about different topics that impact or enrich our lives. To create a space where we support and nurture one another in a positive and uplifting way.  To remind us all to encapsulate the essence of being a woman. As we are amazing and beautiful creatures, and sometimes need to be reminded. The result being… to be able to walk into any room, at any given time, with any company, and feel as though she has importance and a presence, with something to contribute. Whilst looking and feeling effortlessly elegant.

Bouche Boutique Styling Rooms has partnered with La Biosthetique. A luxury Parisian service, with German technology for the most effective, exquisite and exclusive products in the hair and beauty industry.

Our Total Image Concept is available over a 3 hour one on one appointment, or 6 week program,  where we will offer 5-star service and care in the areas of Personal Styling, Professional Colour assessments, Hair Care, Skin Care, Shopping tours,  Make Up and Group Events.